Me Time
Happiness is viral. So here, I want to share my happiness with everyone to spread it more and more. My little son keeps me happy with his...

Curiosity Achieved the Goal
Do you remember what were you curious about as a child? ‘’A child is curious to know and experience everything and anything. We always...

Opening the Door to Creativity
I find it a little more difficult to switch over from my left-brain to my right-brain since I started medical school. I was always a...

Opening Up the Creative Flow
When does your mind feel the most free? When are you able to just let go and know that you have the ability to make life happen, whether...

Empowering Women Through Art
A few years ago, while volunteering at the African Refugee Development Centre as an Art Teacher, my colleague and friend, Diddy Khan, and...

How a Little Creativity Goes a Long Way for Your Health
A Different Spin on Art & Health Bare with me sisters … this may get deep. I would like to share a health secret about being creative and...