I Stood Up For Myself Without Words
So, I've never really been someone who was particularly adept with words. For those of you who are familiar with my writing on School of...

Performing Intention
Earlier this week, I was handing in a dance assignment to my teacher. Some might find it a little strange to have an assignment of...

Inner Dance: An Epic Dance Battle Between Mind and Body
As I slowly start to unpeel, layer by layer by layer, I begin to unravel into myself. My. Self. In my belief, there are three parts of my...

7 Reminders to Wake Up Your Happiness
When I turned 29, I started my journey to truly waking the f*ck up. I chose to stop living the life the world wanted me to, and started livi

Wait, Is This Real Life or Are We Still In High School?
During a highly philosophical viewing of Mean Girls, I began thinking about all the trivial things we used to care about in high school -...

How to Communicate the Right Way in Relationships
A New Day, A Fresh Perspective on Communication We always hear that “Communication is key to a successful relationship,” but what does...

5 Healthy Tips to Control Your Stress
Because of the extreme situations which surround us day to day, our bodies and brains are under all kinds of stress. It’s important that...

5 Ways Being Bold Will Better Your Life
Being assertive is a self-assured and confident quality that happens to come with many benefits. If you do not consider yourself to be...

3 Simple Ways to Become More Mindful
Ready to learn the basics of mindfulness? Check this out if you need a starter, and see below for the first 3 Take Action items to begin...

4 Things I Learned About Health After Surviving Breast Cancer
In 2007, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was really lucky and my hair is back, along with most of my original breasts and all of my...

5 Tips to Start Your Healthy Lifestyle Routine
I tried to avoid the freshman 15 in college, but...I lost the battle. When I was close to graduating college last spring, I knew that I...

How Group Fitness Classes Will Change Your Workout Game
Social Sweat! Working out definitely has its benefits. From being in great physical shape to warding off chronic diseases to improved...