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Shine Guide to BYOB: Be Your Own Bestie

Cultivate your self-compassion, create time and space for you, and fall a little more in love with yourself. 

Our mini-guide includes:

    - 18 pages of sweet motivation + practical guidance on Why BYOB?

    - 7 days full of delightful practices + their proven purpose 

    - 10 Bonus practices if you want to keep going!

    - A love note from our founder Zo

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Want more juice on the BYOB?

Here's the big idea​...

We all have something in our lives that we want to shift, so we each can relate to the intimidation of change. Learning how to Treat Yoself is a way to develop the courage and bravery (that you already have), yet need to practice, process and progress. 

When we say “Treat Yoself” we mean: it’s time for you to LOVE yourself. PRIORITIZE yourself. Ensure the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of your. Self. This guide is a way for us to develop inner growth, knowledge, and an elevated sense of self by interacting with and appreciating the small things in our day to day lives. 

Why do I need this?


Because you matter as much as everyone else - and we want you to believe it! Studies show that when we have our own best interests at heart, we are more likely to outwardly exert kindness.

Yet we women often have the bad habit of putting ourselves last. We're great at giving to others, but never really learned how to give to ourselves. 

Yet prioritizing ourselves can only serve our world. We can only give authentically when we pour from a full cup. We can't fully love our lives, if we don't love the one who's living it! So here’s an opportunity to practice - and make it happen. 

By completing this challenge, we hope you…     

  • Love yourself a fuck ton more than you did before… without feeling bad about it. 

  • Realize how important, worthy, and valuable you are... unapologetically

  • Make conscious choices to be more positive, confident, and in control. 

  • Feel pride in taking the baby steps towards living with brighter days

  • Understand the importance of making yourself a priority every day. 

How it works  

You get the guide. You make the choice. To act. Our carefully crafted mindful methods --if carried out thoughtfully, honestly, and compassionately-- give you access to a fresh perspective and open insight to areas of your mind, body, and soul that are too often neglected, rarely explored, and thirsty for some love.


Each day comes with a juicy dare, a spiel on why you should give a shit about doing the dare, an eyebrow-lifting fact, and of course, the opportunity for you to learn yourself, know yourself, and grow yourself. 

So are you ready to receive your guide now? 

Anchor 1

a love note from zo 

I knew I wanted to start my own business. I had made a million lists about it. A thousand notes of a bajillion ideas. My dreams were big, my goals were deep and my to-do lists were never-ending.


I wanted to spread sunshine and rainbows across the whole wide world. I imagined sliding down rainbows into pots of yellow gold filled with sunshine and cash in my unicorn onesie. 


I talked about it a lot. Until I realized – talk is cheap, my darling. As women, our to-do lists are endless. We should be doing so much for ourselves, which will support our work in the world. However, knowing and talking and doing and acting are very different things.


It’s not until we choose to be proactive and take inspired action that anything will change. I started doing. And while I’m still working on sliding down those rainbows into a pot of gold, I’m much closer than I was 6 years ago.  


It takes 21 days to create a new habit. It takes 66 days to physiologically rewire that habit into our brain. We must consistently and actively choose to take action to better our health, our happiness and live more fulfilled lives. You can read as many articles and watch as many videos as you want. But until you choose to ACT in the moment – nothing is ever going to change.

It’s called self-care for a reason. It’s nice to have others to support us, but at the end of the day, when we check in with our own needs first, we get to know what we need to best care for ourselves, our bodies, our minds, and our beautiful, beating hearts. We become our own cheerleaders, our own besties, and we begin to fall in love with the being we were born to be.

stay shiny, queen



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