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Shine and Coronavirus

You can feel the anxiety everywhere.

People are scared of getting stuck at home almost as much as they’re scared of getting sick.

What will it do to their finances? Not all of us can work from home.

What will it do to their mental health? Not everyone is built for solitude.

I don’t have an answer to the finances one. I am lucky enough to have had an online job fall into my lap recently. It’s not the same as my usual teaching income, but it’ll keep me afloat should I have to stop teaching for a while. It’s definitely patching the holes that some of my more cautious students have left with cancelled lessons.

But as for the mental health, here is my tip. I didn’t think I was anxious about getting stuck at home, but now that I’ve made my list, I’m even calmer.

What list?

A list of things that I’ve wanted to get done for ages, but never have time. Yes, a lot of it is tidying and organizing, but I’ve also made sure to pack it full of the more fun things I’m always failing to find time for.

An online writing workshop. A long list of books waiting to be read. Puzzles Writing projects Creating new teaching materials Learning a new language Meditation

You get the idea.

Don’t let the panic and fear mongering get you down. Be smart, be careful, maybe we’ll avoid quarantine, maybe we won’t. Remember that we are blessed and cursed to live in the age of technology. At times it serves to distance us, but right now it’s a fantastic tool for reaching out and connecting.

For me the key is being ready, and that doesn’t mean crazy shopping trips. It means staying calm and being in a state of mind that won’t send me climbing the walls the minute I’m told I must stay within my four.

Written with love,

Jacqui Mautner

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