5 Proven Benefits of Writing
Our words build our sentences, construct our paragraphs, create our stories, draft our books, and sometimes, help us with that text message. No matter what we write, we all write. Yes, that makes you somewhat of a writer - someone who expresses themselves through the written word.
Writing has so many benefits. Writing every day or even just 3 times a week can bring some stellar and proven benefits. Read the top benefits below:

1 // Experience Less Stress + Anxiety
Writing is just scientifically proven to help reduce stress and anxiety. Writing is a powerful tool when examining your thoughts. There will be feelings of less anxiousness when actually seeing what thoughts go on in our minds. Even just writing out your schedule instead of putting it in your phone is more helpful because you are physically seeing your daily schedule on a simple paper.
Writing is a therapeutic activity because we often hold in how we feel. When I write, I feel…. like a weight is lifted off my shoulder because I'm not holding anything in anymore. We are better able to see what triggers our anxiety and stress. We come to know ourselves in a new way, and understand ourselves.
Even if you’re not sharing with others how you feel, you are sharing with yourself why you are anxious and stressed. Put pen to paper and just journal. Write down your happy thoughts and look back on what brings you joy.
TAKE ACTION: What brings you stress? Anxiety? Write it down. Then write down a positive characteristic you love about yourself. Write down a positive feeling for each of your negative feelings.

2 // Communicate More Effectively
Journaling is an important form of writing that helps us visualize and process feelings and emotions. This awareness allows for better clarity of expression. When I visualize, I see. When I see, I feel. When I feel, I know. When I know, I have the power to structure how I communicate more precisely.
When we write down what comes to mind it forces us to better articulate our ideas and in return aids in seeing those ideas more accurately.
When I write down my feelings it not only encourages me to practice mindfulness but also a practice of self-care. When our brain is less cluttered with thought, we become better communicators. Putting pen to paper is an easy way to rid the hovering negative thoughts, and move forward.
TAKE ACTION: Write for 5-10 minutes a day. Anything that comes to mind. Let it flow. Write whatever your heart desires. Just write.
3 // THE POWER TO manifest
Humans are 42% more likely to achieve their goals if they write them down. When writing down my thoughts I'm essentially brainstorming, which is a present and open door to creativity. I am connecting the dots of internal feelings to actual physical actions.
It is one thing to hear our thoughts in our head but it’s another to actually see it right in front of us. We are more inclined to be motivated and brave when we see our thoughts written out and to perform action.
Visualizing our chaos and keeping track of our thoughts leads us to our end goal. Writing opens the door to release clutter and let new creative thoughts come in. The best thing about writing is that there are no rules or restrictions. Anything you say is what goes. When we open that door, we also open our imagination. Everything you can imagine is everything you can manifest.
TAKE ACTION: Write down what you want your life to look like, feel like, be like. Be as precise as you can, yet make sure to focus on how you want to feel. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Take a page and manifest it!
4 // Expand Your Vocabulary
In a world of lol and smh, our vocabulary is seeming stifled. Our constant stream of communication doesn't necessarily mean full expression, as these days, everything is through text, email, or chat. Especially in a quarantined world, we aren't as often face to face or voice to voice. Even when so, you can still find the growing generation of millennials throw out a “ttyl” after hugging a friend goodbye IRL.
The thing is, when you don’t use it, you lose it - and that goes with vocabulary. Do you know what the word affable means? No? Yes? You probably knew in 9th grade. And if you don't remember, it’s a synonym for likable. When we write words, we allow our brain a mental recall of the words that may have been forgotten in a #brainfart.
When internalizing new old words, mental recall is practiced. And our writing vocabulary will land in our communication stream. My brain thanks me for writing down and internalizing new words because my brain loves a challenge.
When writing and visualizing the words put down on paper I am more clearly in tune with my feelings, thoughts, and self. So writing just 5 thoughts a day with a new word can give you and your brain a self-confidence boost.
TAKE ACTION: Use and write down one new word a day. And the next day. Learn them. Use them. Say them. Know them.
5 // Process Your Emotions
It's more healthy to let it out than to keep it in. When we keep everything inside it can feel jumbled and confusing. The moment we let it out, we create a way to observe our own thoughts and invite a new perspective into ourselves.
It allows us to better grasp our feelings, gain control of our rollercoaster of emotions, and better manage what comes up - which is good for our mental health.
We all can use some self-love and writing is just one of the ways to do that. Don’t be afraid to face your innermost thoughts. Break down the door and let the words flow. Oh, and it's much cheaper than therapy :)
TAKE ACTION: Let your words free flow for 5 - 10 minutes. Ask questions, ponder answers, and be your own inner investigator. Who knows what you might find?
So, writers, it's time to start writing more than your grocery list. Writing is a pathway to your true voice, your full expression, and a service for self growth. Make a choice and take action. Make words, not war!