Morning Revival
Life changes, changes, changes, and yet with every New Year we are optimistic about change, but always bring along memories of the past. We wish to bring back the best part of last year in the current year.
Are you ready to make changes in 2018?

Make a point to have a glimpse of rising sun every morning of 2018. Let’s do it together.
A couple of years back, I used to wake up early morning and did yoga to start my day. Sadly, this ritual was lost over time. This year, I have been making a huge effort to revive my mornings. Waking up early is not that easy, especially for those who love to sleep, but practice these little changes and you can do it too!
Start with baby steps:
Don’t do it all of a sudden, that never works long term. If you are waking up at 8:00 AM and suddenly start rising at 4:30 AM, that is way too early, too fast. You’ll probably do it for two days and by the third day you will sleep right through your alarm. Initially wake up one-half to one hour early. Gradually as you will enjoy your morning time the most; you’ll genuinely want to awake a little more early.
Fix your alarm at a distance:
This has worked best for me. For years, I too use to press snooze and sleep till late morning. Having the alarm near you inspires the lazy mind to procrastinate. But if you are up from bed, you can take a peak from a window as you switch off the alarm, it will encourage you to focus on your goal. I have a beside window. When I switch off my alarm and look at the dark sky from window, I become eager to see the scenic beauty of rising sun.
Join an art of living or yoga class:
Yoga and meditation are “must do” in the early morning. It makes your routine schedule more disciplined. Waking up early will certainly align your mind and body to positivity and steadiness. It’s like icing on the cake. Again, it is very difficult to do yoga and exercise alone. Joining a class or having a buddy can work wonder.

Right time for your passion:
Time is usually the limiting factor if you're trying to gain expertise in every one of your passions. The early hours of the day can give you the uninterrupted time and space you need to tackle some of these life goals.
If your morning is good, your full day will also be undoubtedly good. Sometimes it feels like it’s impossible to feel tranquility. Waking up early can be one easy goal that will lead you to succeed in others.
As the undoubtedly wise Benjamin Franklin said, “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”
Will you wake up early with me in 2018?

By: Ashna Chand
Ashna is an aspiring writer, who wishes to make a difference through her writing. She believes that words have the power to connect hearts, to heal someone, to strengthen the weak and to take you to the world of your dreams. She describes herself as an open book: read her work and know her better.
Ashna’s work can be found on her WordPress site, her blogspot, short fiction break, LinkedIn, and right here on School of Shine.