4 Ways to Process Emotions Around Coronavirus
Oh my my myyyy corona.
As the world breaks down to break through, humanity is shifting. The question is, are you shifting with it? Are you feeling the present so you can leverage the future? Or are you holding on to a past that is gone for good?
Eek. If it feels heavy, that's because it is. Yet opportunity rests in every corner - if we choose to take it. With self-isolation comes access to the most valuable resource we have - time.
We're being invited to recharge, retreat, and reset. We have space in time to be more intentional with our feelings, our thoughts, our actions. To release what was and align with a more universal mindset.
It's been so beautiful to witness an abundance of wellness professionals, artists and healers stepping up with their online offerings. It's also been quite overwhelming. Of course it's important to move, learn and keep your mind busy. I just hope that people aren't skipping over the processing portion of this global crisis. You know, the part where we just stare into space, dazed, confused, WTFing our way through what is becoming our new reality.
Maybe my concern is just the ingrained Jewish mama in me, but as a wellness professional, artist and healer myself, during this time of global reset, using our time with delicate intention is the key to powerful healing and positive impact for our collective future.

This potent time is begging for TRUTH. Reaching truth requires an internal gaze, honest awareness and emotional processing. Now is not the time to bypass your feelings. It is normal to feel fear, anxiety, panic and uncertainty.
Do not skip the breakdown. It is the only way we can fully break through.
How do we process our emotions throughout this time of unrest?
First, let's lay out the facts. There is currently a global health pandemic swooping the world which goes by the name of COVID-19. As of this writing on the morning of March 19, over 8,900 people have died. Over 84,000 people have healed. (Check current stats here: https://ncov2019.live/) Countries are shutting down their borders and all non essential businesses within. Citizens are being asked to stay inside their homes. Companies are laying off and schools are being closed. Small business owners are hurting.
It's safe to say, humanity has never been here before. But hey, at least we're all in this together :)
The good news is, out of crisis comes compassion. A new era of generosity has sprouted.
But before we dive into The Bright Side of darkness, it's okay, and quite necessary, to acknowledge, process and feel into whatever it is we need to feel.
How do we process the feels?
We create space without distraction.
We create time without interruption.
We sit or lie down comfortably, and allow your body to be still.
We breathe. We BE.
We focus on the sensations inside of your body.
We feel them. We observe. We acknowledge. We allow what is asking to be felt, to be felt.
Without judgement. With kindness.
It's not always easy. In fact, the majority of the time it's not. In a world that has been pushing us to move as fast as we can, it can feel almost impossible to stop and find stillness. To rest our minds and drop into our bodies. Yet, once we do, it's time to move that energy, up down and OUT.
So once we feel, how do we release? There are many ways to move energy, and there is no one right way. There is simply what works for You. However that looks for you, just make sure to differentiate between what actions support emotional escape versus emotional freedom.
That said, here are four basic Energetic Release Methods that always work for me.
What's an Energetic Release Method?
In my definition, an Energetic Release Method is a processing tool to move, shift and release our emotional energy. A way to set our energy in motion to create space for fresh energies to enter our orbit.
Each method is super simple, accessible and actionable. These four methods focus specifically on forms of self expression as an anchor. They invite us to connect with our internal energy and create space for pure expressive release. They allow for our internal world to meet the external, inviting a deeper sense of balance between the two.
I use these methods when I feel stuck, confused, or anxious. When I don't know what to do, but know I need to do something to move from point A to point B.
If you don't feel immediate impact, remember that even a baby step is still a step.

An Important Note from Me to You
One of the most important things to do right now, is be.
If you feel overwhelmed or like you can't do anything right now, that's okay. They are here for you when you're ready, to do in your own time, when it feels right to you. They should not be forced; they must be felt.
The 4 Energetic Release Methods
The key is to create intentional time to feel, process and release. This sets the tone and power for these release rituals, and you'll be surprised at how you feel after your release is complete.
01 Write.
But don't just write. Write with intention, power, drive. Put on music that moves you and free YO FLOW YO! Grab a notebook and pen, no backspace no edits. Let all the words go, hold nothing back. Put pen to paper and let the thoughts stream out with no fear, no judgement, no doubt, as if your feelings were speaking for you, your thoughts were bubbles flowing through your veins, rushing towards your fingertips, and dropping ink for the sake of your absolute need, desire, call, to fully Express Yourself.
Check out some YouTube tunes I like to write to here.
02 Dance.
But don't just dance. MOVE your body, put on a song you cannot sit still to, and then dance like no one is watching, as if your body is feeling its first sense of freedom, as if you are Eve, stepping into her skin for the first time. There is no need to dance pretty, so move ugly and dirty, move big and small, move delicately, move boldly. Get your heart rate up, shake it out, jump up and down, get on the ground, twirl, swirl, twerk, work, that booty, that body, those hips, those lips, let your swagger fall out of you, until you feel expressed, released, unleashed. When you're done, lie on the ground and feel your heart beat.
Check our some Youtube tunes I like to move my body to here.
03 Draw.
But don't just draw. Let your inner child escape, as if you were the younger version of you who had no concept of perfection, or beauty. Who doesn't even know how to stay inside the lines. Who sees a blank canvas and endless opportunity. Who wants to draw for the simple act of creation, gives zero fucks about the finished product because you know it's all about the process. Draw like you were a teeny, tiny undiscovered Picasso at his first art camp, simply exploring your strokes with curiosity, do not think, just release your creativity, for the sake of pure creation.
Supplies: If you don't have canvas and paints, you can use paper/pen or even a napkin and marker, no excuses, just doodle!
04 Breathe.
But don't just breathe. Focus on your exhale. Create ample space in your body to expand. Breathe deeply into your belly, let it rise and then blow it out, like a dragon, stick your tongue out, open your mouth wide and spit fire. Work your breath and let your breath work you. Use your voice, listen to your inhale and sigh, shout, scream your exhale. Act as if you've been waiting forever to exhale, because you have, and now is the time to LET GO of every ounce of stuck energy sitting idly inside you, and breathe it out.
If you're looking for guidance, check out a deeper explanation in this video for beginners,
an upcoming free breathwork summit by The Shift Network,
download Insight Timer for loads of free meditations,
check out the Wim Hof Method
or breathe with Sarah Blondin's Live Awake podcast.
After completing your release ritual, rest. Find stillness. Allow the shift to integrate into your new state of being. When you feel ready, close your ritual with gratitude for how awesome you are.
LASTLY with love...
I urge you. Take care of yourself, and take care of others. Listen to the news, and then limit it. Put away your phone and turn inward. Be mindful about the information you choose to intake. Pay attention to your inner dialogue, the words you speak to yourself, and the story you are crafting about this period of time in your mind. Acknowledge that you have the power to change it, if you so desire.
Rest. Recharge. Release.
Take the action that feels right to you, when it feels right to you. And remember, that could be no action at all.
If you have further questions or need more support, guidance, be in touch >>> hello@schoolofshine.com.
Written with love,
Zo Flamenbaum
Ps. Keep ya chins up and ya hearts open. The bright side is coming soon <3