The Big One is Yet to Come!

We all come across various breakthroughs. I believe they are the reason for our living. They may vary in form and size, but they are kind of our breaths. Our improvement and development inspire us to work more and more, in every field. We humans are selfish creatures and we always yearn for success.
Breakthroughs are the advances given to us before that majestic success.
Pin down: breakthroughs are not the final achievement. Instead, we need to move ahead and make these breakthroughs a major source to our ultimate evolvement and success.
As writing is most special to me, I am going to tell you about my first breakthrough in writing. After many rejections, I had my first article accepted by an online magazine. My life partner was happier than me. When you see your family and loved ones being proud of you, it gives you special contentment. And when your work is chosen after eliminations, it feels like it has been given rebirth. You simply fall in love with that special element that gave you the joy of success.

Ahh! I too was in love with my write-up. I read my article again and again; admired myself for writing so beautifully. I didn’t stop there, I framed my baby of words and kept it in my room, where I could have its glimpse every day and get inspired to write more and more. I was on the ninth cloud, feeling artistic and proud of myself. It gave me all the confidence to become a creative and good writer.
But, overconfidence is a big mistake which anyone could do in excitement of breakthrough.
You need to remind yourself that it is just a little tiny step towards your aim and not a leap towards it. Well! In few days I made myself realize that my accomplishment was just a drop in the ocean. The destination is still far away, I need to go with patience and persistence. So here I am writing good words for my readers and wishing to win more and more hearts through my writing.
Barriers are for every traveler, I am no exception. Since that day, I am still learning and mastering my skill, and I have struggled to find time for my creative love. Yet, I consider these barriers as examiners that bring out more creativity in me. It is true, where there are limitations; creativity flows there.
Vincent Van Gogh, the great painter sold only one painting when he was alive. He painted over 900 works of art, in spite of earning zero from paintings. Though his art was unnoticed when he was alive, his paintings are sold at present for more than 100 million dollar. Rejections, limitations and circumstances have never stopped the real artists to create their art.
In a nutshell, breakthroughs are blessings given as a reward for any hard work.
I am thankful for the ones received. At the same time waiting for the big one which is the present dream. When I will be an author and publish a book, I will achieve that big breakthrough. Keep reading my work till then. Thanks!!
By: Ashna Chand
Ashna is an aspiring writer, who wishes to make a difference through her writing. She believes that words have the power to connect hearts, to heal people, to strengthen the weak, and to take you to the world of your dreams. She describes herself as an open book: read her work and know her better.
Ashna’s work can be found on her WordPress site, her blogspot, Short Fiction Break, LinkedIn, and right here on School of Shine.