Power of Love
The three magical words are enough. Have you ever told someone these words out loud or have you been fortunate enough to hear them yourself? If yes, you know the magic, right? And if not, you ought to try it.

Love is a magical bliss. If you have love in your life, you have everything. I believe in love. But I never believed in expressing it before I met my love. The first time he said, ‘’Allahview” I was on cloud nine. Allahview means “I love you” and secondly, “Oh God! What a beauty.” It was then I realized he loved me from the bottom of his heart; I surrendered myself.
There are various expressions of love other than magical words like gifts, flowers, romance and other day to day actions. I express my love through my actions every day. The aura of my home, the taste of my food, and the care for my child can expresses my love.
Whether it is serving a glass of water every day to someone, discussion in an office meeting, or looking after your loved ones, I believe if there is presence of love in whatever you do, you will give it your best. It is the power of love that makes life so beautiful.
The best part of the love is that it always happens surprisingly – when you least expect it. When I met my love, I had lost hope of finding true love. It was all of a sudden one day that my parents found him for me. I never thought in my dreams that I would even find a life partner, and here I found the best one for me.
For those who are blessed with love – treasure it. If you’re still seeking your love; pray, meditate, do good things. Think about love, and wait patiently, you will receive it.

By: Ashna Chand
Ashna is an aspiring writer, who wishes to make a difference through her writing. She believes that words have the power to connect hearts, to heal people, to strengthen the weak, and to take you to the world of your dreams. She describes herself as an open book: read her work and know her better. Ashna’s work can be found on her WordPress site, her blogspot, Short Fiction Break, LinkedIn, and right here on School of Shine.