32 Wishes for You, Fellow Human
Words matter. They create our thoughts, which create our reality. They make up our conversations, our stories, our ideas and dreams. They mold themselves into our minds, sticking into cracks and crevices which translate our thoughts into action. They can be our best friend or our worst enemy.
As a writer and life ponderer who just celebrated her 32nd anniversary of life on Earth, I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I want for my next year of life. I'm so proud of my achievements this past year; but my past few weeks have left me feeling stuck, confused and a bit lost.
So I created a list of 32 words, and 32 matching blessings, to infuse into my mind, my heart, my reality, my 32nd year of life, and most importantly - my every day.
What I wish for myself, I certainly wish for you.
May you take what you need and leave what you don’t.
May you share the shine with those you believe would benefit.
May you infuse your days with a vibrant vocabulary and a ton of shine vibes <3

1. Acceptance
May you release the desire or need to control and adapt easily to whatever comes your way, accepting its presence in your life as reality. May you keep it real with yourself and behave with a rational approach to our wild reality.
2. Adventure
May you explore everything and enjoy each thrilling step of your journey always. May you believe in a life that is one big adventure and continue to fill your storybook with tales of wonder, value, awe and love.
3. Boundaries
May you assert respect, and freely declare what you believe is suitable in your own code of living laws. May you feel secure and confident enough to express the boundaries you choose to create in your own life.
4. Commitment
May you dedicate yourself to taking care of your mind, body and soul. As I always say, BYOB - be your own bestie, and claim responsibility for your own choices, attitude, reactions and ultimate happiness. May you release your fear of commitment and instead embrace the okayness of a long-term thought in a short-term world.
5. Compassion
May you lighten yourself up with love, may you treat yourself gently with the utmost kindness and respect. May you treat others the same, without comparison or judgement, simply with acceptance and kindness.
6. Connection
May you be open to exploring your authentic self by challenging your relationship with your mind, body and heart. May you build genuine connection with the heart-filled brothers and sisters which you surround yourself with every day.
7. Courage
May you step forward fearlessly, voice your choice, and display the beauty that comes with the bravery and leadership of paving your own path.
8. Curiosity
May you wonder and ponder about everything, asking questions and seeking knowledge outside of your comfort zone. May you feel confidently comfortable with your curiosity of life.
9. Elevation
May you continue to expand your mind so that she may fulfill your every potential. May you feel open and uplifted with each new lesson life presents to you. May you choose to grow gracefully from every challenge you encounter.
10. Energy
May your heart thrive with warmth and happiness as you beat to your own rhythm of life. May your body feel energized with good vibes and a healthy flow of light.
11. Expression
May you always feel confident to express yourself, your voice, your body, your creativity through words, song, movement, affection, and/or however feels right to you. May you constantly question what it is you might need to release.
12. Flow
May you ride the waves of life with full certainty that if you get knocked off, you will simply get back up again. Or swim into shore because it’s time to tan on the beach instead :)
13. Focus
May you clarify your goals and control the energy you choose to put towards achieving them. May you give yourself the gift of rest and ambition when needed.
14. Intention
May you live each moment with delicious deliberation, and focus your mental energy on everything you want to create.
15. Intuition
May you tune in to the natural instinct which lies in the twinges felt in your physical body. May you ask yourself what you want and need and give attention to the truth which already exists within you.
16. Knowledge
May you seek wisdom from everywhere and everyone, and may you learn the lessons presented to you with every new soul you encounter and every season of life.
17. Laughter
May your days be filled with tiny bursts of light sparkling out of your chest, bubbling up from your throat and escaping into earthly energy so that the world may feel a tiny jolt of joy. May your giggles gloriously ring free as you seek the lightness in every situation, because it's just never that serious.
18. Light
May you honor, respect and soak up all that shines upon you - from sun to moon, from stars to fire, from friendship to love. May you inspire yourself and continue doing whatever lights up your own heart with happiness.
19. Movement
May you find comfort in the constant forward motion and change which forever exists, everywhere - even as you sit completely still.
20. Music
May you bask in the glorious sound waves caressing your ear buds and vibrating down your veins. May you flow through life according to your own soundtrack, and use music as a tool to powerfully connect to your self, your body, and the world around you.
21. Nakedness
May you undress your hidden layers and connect with your most natural state of life, when you took your first breath of existence. May you continue to unpeel the layers and feel challenged by a little bit of fear, which creates phenomenal change.
22. Nourishment
May you have a healthy relationship with your body, and treat her as your honorable home. May you respect her cycles, acknowledge what she is telling you, and treat her as your own universe as well as your consistent connection to our greatest, Mama Earth.
23. Pleasure
May you follow whatever sends tingles of happiness down your spine into your heart. May you bask in the endless ‘feel good’ bits of beauty which surround you at every moment.
24. Quality Time
May you spend your time doing what brings you feelings of fulfillment and genuine joy. May you pause to appreciate each moment, and may you spend time with people who inspire you to do so.
25. Silliness
May your sense of humor stay childlike and free, sprouting with ridiculosity, senseless song, happy hours, dance parties, and endless shine.
26. Simplicity
May you find joy in the tiniest of pleasures, like a child experiencing the world for the first time.
27. Strength
May you exercise your mind, body and spirit towards inner dependence, balancing unconditional love with tough love for your self to do what is right for you.
28. Trust
May you feel certain in your choices and believe in your natural instincts. May you take the time to listen in and connect with your intuition.
29. Vulnerability
May you have enough courage to be yourself, to share your weakness and your wisdom, to voice your thoughts, act on your ideas and acknowledge and communicate your emotions.
30. Weirdness
May you dive deep into your pool of uniqueness and discover what your gifts are that only you have to share. May the world be inspired by your weirdness so they may share their own.
31. Wealth
May you define your needs in both body and bank account and flourish in the prosperity and abundance rolling your way.
32. Worth
May you acknowledge your human equality and feel worthy of love, belonging and everything you desire.
And one for good luck :)
33. Magic
May you create your own story, enlightening yourself with every new chapter. May you sparkle with shine, and feel present and alive.