HOW TO ENTER: Send an email to hello@schoolofshine.com with a short paragraph on a woman who has made a positive impact in your life.
Share who she is to you and why #SHEshines. (Include HER name & picture) OR post a picture on Instagram & tag #SHEshines!

WHO: My mom, Darlene
Love, Quashianna
#SheShines because...
My mother shines not only because she is moving to where she has always wanted to live and becoming a homeowner in a month but because of all of the obstacles she has overcome to accomplish, yet, another goal of hers. Taking it back to my mother leaving an abusive relationship with my father and moving my brother and I to NC from NY because she wanted better for us and herself. To my mother becoming a single parent and struggling to raise me and my two brothers but respecting herself and never settling. To my mother who got her degree while working full time. To my mother who managed to send me and my brothers to college. My mother shines because she puts us before her and allows us to shine. I am forever grateful and I know I only shine because she does this for me. My mother shines because even in the adversity of her children from me joining a National Panhellenic Counsel sorority as opposed to one of the divine nines, to my older brother dropping out of school to pursue the arts, she has stood up for us and supported our decisions. She has always given us the freedom to express ourselves and follow our hearts. My mom shines because she is woman, because she is life, and because she doesn't even know how bright she shines. My mom shines because selfless people like her are what makes this world a little warmer. My mom shines because she has shown my brothers and I forgiveness, unconditional love, true joy, passion and commitment. And despite all she has been through she looks as untouched as ever. She truly does shine and I would like for her to know.

WHO: My best friend, Danielle
Love, Brooke
#SheShines because...
When I think of someone who shines, I can’t help but think of my beautiful best friend, Danielle. Always on the latest health trends, Danielle wants to be sure that everyone is feeling happy, healthy, and beautiful from inside out. I was lucky enough to meet Danielle in high school and keep her as one of my friends for life, even persuading her to move half way around the world to live in Israel with me.
Danielle is the epitome of a beautiful person because she focuses on the people and things that matter most to her. When she wants something, she goes after it hard, and is always trying to find a new way to improve herself. She is kind, smart, and beyond funny. Danielle is known for doing impressions of just about anyone, and is always there to give you a good laugh. She also makes a mean green juice and banana bread!
I’m so thankful to have such an incredible friend in my life and hope that everyone is lucky enough to have someone as great as Danielle to light up their day.
(I love you, T2 forever!!!!!!)

WHO: My mom, Mindy
Love, Julie
#SheShines because...
#SHEshines all day everyday. It's in her smile, they way she walks, they way she talks, the way she runs the show. She is the type of women whose heart is so big she dedicates her life to helping others. Her professional career has continued to blossom since she started off as a supervisor of the sexual assault program at the Atlantic County Women's Shelter. Since then, she has over 20 years experience working in the field of mental health and has acted as a consultant and therapist for the United States Veteran's Affairs. Over 10 years ago, she decided to take on her own project and co-founded The Alcove Center for Grieving Children and Families. Today, the non profit has helped thousands of children in the community and continues to grow and expand. The Alcove Center's purpose is to provide children who are grieving the loss of a loved one a pathway to a healthy healing process through peer support groups and activities.
Just last year on March 20, 2014 my mom was inducted into the Atlantic County Women's Hall of Fame. I was so proud of her nomination, I told as many people as I possible could. She is modest and humble she doesn't brag to anyone. In fact, she told me she was going to stop accepting awards because she isn't doing this for medals and trophies. She is a giver, a world changer, a living legend. I know she would never brag about herself and accomplishments to anyone, so I will do it for her, she is a true mensch. Her services help make the world a better place. Mom, I am nominating you for a featured spot on this year's #SHEshines page on the one and only School of Shine's website because you are a role model to all women. You have proven your worthiness on so many levels, family/career/beauty/intelligence/kindness/strength/positivity...you got it all, you go girl!

WHO: My best friend, Tonya
Love, Elea
#SheShines because...
Tonya hasn't been handed the easiest path in life... However, she has always done her best to stay peaceful in mind, body and spirit, and always be a happy, healthy, and lively person. Throughout everything, Tonya is always smiling. Laughing is simply her favorite thing in the world. Sometimes she just belly laughs... HA. HA. HA. Just because.... About four years ago she completely took control of her lifestyle and became very health and fitness-focused. She's constantly an inspiration to me - whether its about career moves, healthy eating, fitness goals, or just everyday life lessons. She shines everyday to the lives she interacts with, and I feel honored to call her my best friend.

WHO: My mom, Diane
Love, Cara
#SheShines because...
My mom has also been my greatest role model and I believe I am the strong and insightful woman I am today, because of her. From my mom, I learned the value of family and the importance of always surrounding myself with people who love and care about me. From my mom, I receive endless love and support for every decision that I make in life. From my mom, I learned that women could take on professional careers and make a difference in the world. From my mom, I learned the importance of being open-minded and accepting of those who were different from me. From my mom, I learned that the most important beauty a woman can posses is her inner-self. And from my mom, I have learned just how strong a woman can be, and no matter what life obstacles are thrown her way, she can get through it. Thank you mom for all you do and I want you to know how appreciative I am of you everyday.

WHO: My best friend, Brooke
Love, Danielle
#SheShines because...
I don't know too many people that work incredibly hard for what they want AND have fun while doing so like my best friend Brooke Weinbaum. Always putting her best foot forward and making the most out of every opportunity, Brooke is a natural "connecter" always looking to help others! When I first moved to Israel she helped me find an apartment and make new friends no questions asked. When someone is looking for a job, Brooke is already sending potential job listings. When someone is looking to make new friends, Brooke is the one inviting them to join events. When someone mentions they are looking to date this type of person, Brooke is the one thinking of who she has in mind and setting them up. I sometimes tease Brooke about knowing everything and everyone but I know that this is one of Brooke's memorable qualities!
We've been best friends ever since we met in high school not knowing we would eventually live in the same city as roommates. Brooke is the definition of a hard-working woman who knows what she wants and how to creatively balance work and fun! #SHEshines

WHO: My coaching mentor, Maya
Love, Galia
#SheShines because...
"You are enlightened" she told me, "you just have to dig deep and see it"...
Maya has helped me in my darkest moments after I lost my baby boy.
We started in a business coaching plan, but after two years of great lessons, I needed her to lift me up personally. And she did.
Every time I feel the blues, I remember her 3 tools to get up on my feet.
We don't talk on a daily basis, but it's enough for me to just think of her, and she rings me. She's the enlightened one and she's always in my heart.
I Send Her My Love ..

WHO: My mom, Annette
Love, Lysann
#SheShines because...
Mom, you are definitely my role-model. I do not know any person that fell so deep, so many times and got up so gloriously. You became a mother in your very early twenties - no time to establish yourself or who you are. Instead, a little while later, you went through a Kramer vs. Kramer period that was longer then the never ending story. But you got up.... you build your first business and supported us and Dad. Your passing boyfriends left you often wounded and even financially broke... but you got up again... working for years from 4 am to midnight, every day. You always got and get up - no matter how hard. Today - happily married and owner of a wonderful boutique and nail studio - its you who taught me the most valuable lesson.... "Its never too late - You can do it!"

WHO: My mom, Mina
Love, Effie
#SheShines because...
The center of the party,center of the room, center of the conversation and yes my mother and yes so much cooler than I could ever be. It just takes a story about Mina to impress any person you meet, she is what brings my cool factor. A dare-devil of her time, pushing social norms to the edge, she is living the life we would all dream to have. I mean who gets to hit on Bill Clinton with a simple "שלום חבר" or experience a Bob Marley concert in your 20''s, or just find pure joy by seeing the smile on her families faces. It doesn't take a degree or a career to be a role-model but it takes the confidence and fearlessness of my mother to SHINE on someones life. She is one you don't mess with but one you know is worth fighting for approval, the one you want on the dance floor at your party and the one you want on your side to solve life's obstacles. Girlfriend knows how to take on the world and bring nothing but Shine with it. Thanks for being great!

WHO: My mom, Barbara
Love, Zo
#SheShines because...
Barb is one of the most generous, kind-hearted, thoughtful, hard working, and resilient women and role models I know. The best part is - and she doesn't even realize it, but she's made everything from motherhood, running a family, hostessing meals for 16 +, planning events for 1000+, and starting up and running a successful business look easy. Of course there's always those moments when clients, family, and life in general are not easy. She always takes everything in stride, deals with it, and moves on. I may not have noticed it either, but as I navigate my way through the business world, many moments are spent thinking What Would Barb Do? Her personal touches, her genuine care, her everlasting optimistic attitude, and her moral code have taught me about everything that matters when it comes to success in business and personal life. I admire, respect, and commend my incredible mother for all that she's accomplished the right way, the love she has shared and created in this world, and the amount of baby clothes she's capable of buying for her grandkids at any given time. Ema, I love you and am proud to call you my Ema!

WHO: My grandmom, Mamoune
Love, Poupie
#SheShines because...
Lorsque jai du réfléchir a une femme qui m’inspirait, je n’ai pas hésité une seconde, j’ai immédiatement pensé a ma grand mere Ariane, dite Mamoune.
J’ai de la chance d’etre sa petite fille et de l’avoir dans ma vie, elle est incontestablement la femme la plus admirable a mes yeux.
Mamoune est née a Oran, en Algérie en 1939. Elle s’est mariée a 19 ans avec mon grand-pére Roger, dit Gégé.
En 1960 la guerre de l’indépendance a éclate et tous les français one été expulsés en France, à Paris plus exactement, dont ma famille
"Je suis partie avec dans la main droite ta mere, dans l’autre ma valise"
Ma grand-mére nest pas une femme exceptionnelle seulement à mes yeux, mais aux yeux de tous.
Elle est toujours de bon conseil, toujours disponible, elle a sacrifié sa vie pour ses enfants et ses petits enfants, elle a économisé toute sa vie, comme elle dit, pour pouvoir nous gâter aujourd’hui.
Nos balades au jardin du Luxembourg, à nice, aux tuileries. Les gaufres qu’elle m’a offertes, les concombres qu’elle ma découpé, les cadeaux qu’elle ma offert. Tous ces moments agréables passés avec elle sont mes souvenirs les plus chaleureux
Sa plus grande qualité est d’accepter la vie comme elle est.
Aujourd’hui elle est toujours à Paris, moi à tel aviv, elle me manque énormément.
J’espère pouvoir lui ressembler sur tous les domaines, elle est ma meilleure amie, ma confidente et ma conscience.
Mamoune je t’aime.