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Love Loving

I’ll admit it, I love love. There’s something about it that makes the world a better place. It gives you hope and at times it can sustain you in a way that nothing else is able to. Love makes the world a better place. But what makes love do all of that?

Love gives you hope. As a woman in the world today, it can be hard to find that hope in our everyday lives. There is so much going on that we want to run from everything. We are constantly on the go. At work there is always something else to do, in life there are obligations that we are responsible for, but then love finds us and it changes everything.

When love finds us, it’s like the world changes. I’m not talking about meeting “the one,” I’m talking about any type of love. My world changed the first time I held my daughter. My heart exploded with the emotion of love. I wanted to cry and laugh and scream with joy all at the same time. There was nothing I could do to change that.

This love gave me hope for the future, hope for the world, and hope for myself. It was an amazing feeling that I still haven’t forgotten seven years later. Though it wasn’t romantic love, it is a type of love that we don’t always take the time to celebrate. And why shouldn’t we?

So, in this month of February, I took the time to celebrate my love for her. Every day she gets a heart on her door with another reason why I love her. They can be as simple as “I love your hugs” or “I love how you treat animals.” It doesn’t matter why or how, it just matters that I love her and I can share that with her.

In this month of love, what love do you feel most connected with? How can you share that love with the rest of the world?


Liz Tracy is a single parent, teacher, writer, and runner. She loves the beach, reading, and cooking. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, and online at: and

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