Wait, Is This Real Life or Are We Still In High School?
During a highly philosophical viewing of Mean Girls, I began thinking about all the trivial things we used to care about in high school - the BS that should no longer matter in "real life." From the shitty hierarchy of jocks to geeks, fear of judgement and ridicule, popularity anxiety, bullying, and time spent trying to look "cool" (ie the 7 full days my BFF and I dedicated to choosing our outfits for the first day of school.)
Like so many of us have undoubtedly thought before, 'if I had known then what I know now...'
And it got me thinking - what would it be like to know NOW, what we wish we knew NOW?!
The crazy joke is that our society is still littered with the same high school BS, only instead of judging each other by which after-school activity we do, we judge each other based on jobs, cars, or clothes. We still live in a daily popularity contest, but what are we all competing for? Please chew on that for a moment, and understand what this might imply within your own world.
It's like we're all still stuck in high school hell; only this time, we should know better.
I lovingly dare you to read the following with an open mind and welcome the realization that humans are humans are humans. We all occupy this one crazy world in a same but different way.
We are all surrounded by good and evil, and have a choice for which team we play on.
We are all on the not-so-simple pursuit of happiness. No matter who we are, where we have been, or how we've grown up, we know the following...
- the sun shines - the world turns - the clock ticks -
No matter our color, shape, or size...
No matter how we appear through other's eyes...
No matter if we don't believe in G-d or go to daily prayer...
No matter if we have blonde, fake, or not a strand of hair...
No matter if we pee sitting down or standing up...
No matter our brain or butt size, no matter our bra cup..
No matter if we serve, cook or grow our own raw food...
No matter if we prefer a political, or a nature party dude...
No matter if we call home a flat or a bench in the sun...
No matter if we like men, women, both or neither one...
No matter if we are old or young or in the middle, having a ball...
No matter what kind of clothes we wear, or choose none at all...
No matter if we are single, married, or free loving all over the place...
No matter if we never went or graduated college with debt and grace...
No matter if we have 15 kids or 2 or don't want any...
No matter if we are bold or shy or serious or laugh plenty...
No matter if we believe in heaven or hell or nothing really at all...
No matter if our phone is the latest one, as long as it can call...
No matter how many outfits we own, and what kind of labels are in them.
No matter where you were born and raised, in this world, you are a gem.
Get the point??
Humans are humans are humans.
Enough judgement, competition, and hierarchy.
Enough hatred. and harm, and bringing others down.
Enough superiority. We all deserve to be here.
Enough labels. They only limit us in reaching our full potential.
Enough following the herd and not being able to think for ourselves.
Enough with the high school drama. We're all 'grown up' now, remember?
We are on the same mission. We desire lives filled with purpose, love, and happiness. We are all trying to figure it out, some of us are doing better than others. We all face the same struggles. We all get by in the best way we know how.
Why must there be more than one team? So which one are you on? Team Mean Girl or Team Real Girl?